莫宝童,男,博士,讲师。2024年1月硕博连读毕业于中国科学院大学动物研究所获理学博士学位。主要从事两近缘种昆虫广食性棉铃虫和专食性烟青虫识别寄主植物的嗅觉编码机制的研究。在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Insect Science等学术期刊上发表学术论文5篇。
2024.01 - 至今 yL23411永利官网登录 讲师
2016.09 - 2024.01 中国科学院大学 中国科学院动物研究所 硕博连读
2011.09 - 2015.07 郑州大学 学士
1. 2022-01-01至2026-12-31,国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,32130090,十字花科作物专食性害虫对芥子油苷成瘾的味觉分子机制及其演化,286万元,在研,参与。
2. 2019-01-01至2023-12-31,国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,31830088,铃夜蛾属二近缘种的产卵选择行为及其嗅觉编码机制,290万元,结题,参与。
(1)Bao-Tong Mo; Hao Guo; Guo-Cheng Li; Lin-Lin Cao; Xin-Lin Gong; Ling-Qiao Huang; Chen-Zhu Wang; Discovery of insect attractants based on the functional analyses of female-biased odorant receptors and their orthologs in two closely related species, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(49): 19408-19421
(2)Hao Guo#; Bao-Tong Mo#; Guo-Cheng Li; Zi-Lin Li; Ling-Qiao Huang; Ya-Lan Sun; Jun-Feng Dong; Dean P. Smith; Chen-Zhu Wang; Sex pheromone communication in an insect parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae Uchida, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022, 119(49)
(3)Nan-Ji Jiang#; Bao-Tong Mo#; Hao Guo; Jun Yang; Rui Tang; Chen-Zhu Wang, Revisiting the sex pheromone of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, a new invasive pest in South China, Insect Science, 2022, 29(3): 865-878
(4)Xiao-Bin Fan; Bao-Tong Mo; Guo-Cheng Li; Ling-Qiao Huang; Hao Guo; Xin-Lin Gong; Chen-Zhu Wang; Mutagenesis of the odorant receptor co-receptor (Orco) reveals severe olfactory defects in the crop pest moth Helicoverpa armigera, BMC Biology, 2022, 20(1): 214
(5)Hao Guo; Xin-Lin Gong; Guo-Cheng Li; Bao-Tong Mo; Nan-Ji Jiang; Ling-Qiao Huang; Chen-Zhu Wang; Functional analysis of pheromone receptor repertoire in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, Pest Management Science, 2022, 78(5): 2052-2064